(English) Let’s demystify politics with Clara MORARU

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Today in conversation with Sri KOLLA, CSV member living in Walferdange

Where do you come from, Sri, and what politics mean for you?

I come from India, the largest democracy in the world and I have been living in Europe for more than 8 years. Politics affect every citizen in their daily lives. Therefore, I believe everyone should participate in political communities and discussions to have their voice heard. It was natural (rather easy) for me to reach out to local political bodies and involve in active discussions regarding the issues and matters that affect foreigners living in Luxembourg. Local and national politicians in Luxembourg are easily approachable which still fascinates me.


As an expat, what was your motivation to get involved in Luxembourg politics and more specifically to join CSV?

My motivation to get involved in Luxembourg politics is to have my/ expat voice heard. The problems of expats, especially 3rd country nationals are different from Europeans living in Luxembourg. My Luxembourgish friends are unaware of the administrative struggles to get residence permit etc. as a 3rd country national. Therefore, I decided to look for a political party which has an international wing. CSV was the only party with a body dedicated to expats since 2008. This means they care for internationals and international matters mean something to them. It was a natural choice to join CSV and meet other expats who share similar issues/ problems. So far, the experience has been great with CSV and I am looking forward to join their mentor program to know more about their political philosophy.


As an expat living in Luxembourg-, what’s one political message that you’d like local or national politicians to give more attention to?

As highlighted above, the problems of European expats are different from 3rd country nationals. I’d like the local or national politicians to give more attention to the following aspects:

  1. Working rights for spouse of a 3rd country national working in Luxembourg
  2. Extended job search permit for students after they finish their studies (from 9 months to 1 year)
  3. Work on streamlining and speeding up the process of first time arrivals from 3rd country nationals.

Thank you, Sri, for your very valuable contribution. I look forward to seeing you at Quiz night on Elections on the 29th of December at the party’s Secretariat General.




Every week, Daniela-Lacramioara Clara Moraru, deputy Secretary General of CSV, the party of the local & international community, will bring you interviews with the members of our party, to help demystify politics, increase political participation and engagement of non and new Luxembourgers.

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