Integration is a two-way process. The CSV international would like to improve the integration process in Luxembourg and change the paradigm from them/us to “WE”. At the Congress of the CSV International, President Michael Engbork has specifically emphasized that in the next few months, CSV international will focus on defining their political stands on how to support the foreign communities with challenges in ...
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We are very pleased to invite you to our NATIONAL CONGRESS, WEDNESDAY, THE 1st of MARCH 2017 FROM 18:30 AT THE MAISON D’ACCEUIL DES SOEURS FRANCISCAIN (50, Ave Gaston Diderich / L-1420 Luxembourg) For organisational reasons, please confirm your attendance no later than 6th of February 2017 at the following address:
(Français) Table de conversation avec le député Serge Wilmes
Chère amie, Cher ami, le CSV International a l’honneur de vous inviter à sa table de conversation, – le mercredi, 16 novembre 2016 à 18h30 au Urban Café (2, Rue de la Boucherie, L-1247 Luxembourg-Ville). Cette table de conversation, sera assurée par le député Serge Wilmes.qui sera assurée par le député et ami Serge Wilmes. Les personnes intéressées sont priées de confirmer au Secrétariat général ...