Let’s demystify politics with Clara MORARU

Today in conversation with Alexandra Antonescu. Alexandra is part of CSV’s #mentoringprogramme and her mentor is Gilles Roth, MP and Mayor of Mamer commune.

Where do you come from and what politics mean for you?

I come from Romania. And one reason for which I left the country was the lack of consistency and initiative I saw in Romanian politics.

Politics is part of the base on which a society is built, lives, flourishes or perishes. It is an instrument that shapes or influences the way lives are lived. Politics done the right way can bring people and societies together, can create a sense of unity and belonging and can ensure the security that this world needs to thrive. It is of a massive importance.


As an expat, what was your motivation to get involved in Luxembourg politics and more specifically to join CSV?

Getting closer to politics was my way of getting closer to the society I gladly chose to live in. I am interested in knowing Luxembourg, its people, what matters for the country, what is needed. Maybe I could also bring my contribution to it.

Why CSV? Because it is a party that I find to see things from a pragmatic way, ensuring at the same time closeness to the people. CSV is not built from promoting a sense of “coolness” on which I believe other parties rely on, but they show a different and very tangible openess by creating, for example, the international community, while still promoting and valuing the Luxembourgish identity.


As an expat living in Luxembourg-city, what’s one political message that you’d like local or national politicians to give more attention to?

That politics is and should always be way more than a game of personal egos. That personal integrity is key, but personal interests and views are to be set aside when doing politics. Politics is and should be for the people. A representative, at local or national level, has the duty (and honor) to act on behalf of a community and must consider its needs and the diversity, especially in a country such as Luxembourg.

The international community is not something to neglect, although I perfectly understand the need to preserve and promote the Luxembourgish values.


Thank you, Alexandra, your message is heard and valued by CSV .




#PoliticsforAll #politikfirjiddereen

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